SOUTHPORT — A portion of North Carolina Highway 211 that’s been shuttered since September’s potential tropical cyclone eight brought historical flooding to Brunswick County is reopening.
The North Carolina Department of Transportation will welcome through traffic at the bridge over the canal north of Southport on Highway 211 by mid-morning on Oct. 10.
The bridge experienced extensive damage and closed Sept. 16 and as of Thursday drivers will “utilize the new alignment” crossing the bridge, according to NCDOT. There will be signs, barricades and fresh painted lines to help direct motorists appropriately.
Crews continue to work toward opening the N.C. 211 bridge at Dutchman Creek, also enduring damage “beyond repair.” According to the state agency, traffic will be directed to take Dosher Cutoff SE to N.C. 87. Contractors hope to have this bridge reopened by the end of the month.
Both sections of N.C. 211 were part of the state department’s widening project.
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