Why you're getting all those political texts & calls: You gave consent without knowing it!

The FCC has rules and requirements, but political texts and calls are different than marketing calls.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — Are political campaign texts legal? Even if you’re on the Do Not Call list? The short answer is yes. The Federal Communications Commission has all kinds of rules for these kinds of calls and texts.

The FCC states on its website that texts to mobile phones are allowed if an actual person types in your number.  But if it’s a robotext, an automated text, then you have to give prior consent to be texted.  

Right now you’re thinking, there’s no way I would give consent to all these political texts, but chances are, you did. 

“If you have used your number on any online ordering or any type of marketing on social media, those simple end user agreements may have in fine print that they may be able to share with other service providers,” said Peter Tran, Cybersecurity. 

Call blocking service, Robokiller, estimates in 2022 Americans received a record 15 billion political texts. That’s an average of 50 messages for every phone in the country.

Here’s a bright spot in all this, the FCC says the caller must honor your request to revoke consent. You can do that by replying ‘stop’ to a text or asking not to be called again on a voice call. Now,  I’m not saying it will stop all of the calls and texts, but at least this is at least something you can do. 


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