CHAPEL HILL, N.C. (WNCN) — The countdown for the new school year continues, which also means making sure your children are on the right routine and sleep schedule to start the year strong.
“Sleep is vital for children as it is for all of us. Sleep is as important,” said UNC Health Dr. Mary Ellen Wells.
Experts say this is especially the case as kids prepare to return to school.
Dr. Wells says kids’ brains are still developing, and they’re still growing. She warns that the lack of sleep can wreak havoc on their bodies, and that’s why she recommends parents start now getting kids ready.
“Making sure there is a consistent routine, so getting back into that routine and doing it early, it will be difficult doing it one to two days before the school year starts,” said Wells.
Dr. Wells recommends gradually adjusting bedtime until the first day of class.
“Children will not perform as well academically as they would when they have enough rest,” she said.
She says lack of sleep causes irritability and slow alertness, leaving many kids inattentive. So, how much sleep should kids get on school nights? Dr. Wells says the younger the kids the more sleep they need, and the tricky part is there is no magic number.
“If your child is performing well during the day, if they’re feeling good during the day, and if they wake up rested and alert, chances are they’re getting the right amount of sleep,” said Wells.
Dr. Wells says children really need good quality sleep, and if you notice they’re not getting it, she recommends you reach out to your pediatrician to see if your child has some sort of sleeping disorder.