In 2021, the Town of Mocksville dissolved its police force. Since then, the town and many of its citizens say the response time has gotten better.
MOCKSVILLE, N.C. — Three years ago, the town of Mocksville disbanded its police department, transferring law enforcement responsibilities to the Davie County Sheriff’s Office. The mayor said the town hasn’t looked back since.
The decision was made in 2021 and the town reported saving nearly $350,000 annually since the change. In April, Mocksville extended its contract with the sheriff’s office for another five years.
On Monday, WFMY spoke with several residents about the impact of the transition. Most told us they have noticed an increase in law enforcement presence around town.Â
“I feel like there’s been more presence downtown. We have officers making rounds, and at any events in town, there’s always a police presence. So I feel like it’s more,” Crystal Moody said.
However, another said her family, who lives on the outskirts of town, has noticed a slower response time compared to when the town had its own officers.
For many others in town that’s not been the case. Moody said with the sheriff’s office just a few minutes away from downtown Mocksville she’s noticed faster response times.
“I actually had an experience downtown where we had to call, and they arrived in about two minutes,” Moody said. “It was very quick, but it wasn’t an emergency. I figure if it were an emergency, they would probably get there quicker.”
According to the town’s budget, it spends around $1.5 million annually for sheriff’s office deputies.
A similar discussion is happening in the nearby town of Stoneville, which may soon dissolve its police force despite pushback from some citizens and officers. That meeting is scheduled for Tuesday at 7 p.m.
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