Suspect accused of stabbing man at mosque fled after being shot by armed guard, Rock Hill police say

Officers said both men were acquaintances and the attack was not based on religious practices.

ROCK HILL, S.C. — A stabbing that happened near a mosque in Rock Hill resulted in the suspect being shot by an armed security guard Friday afternoon.

The Rock Hill Police Department said it happened at Masjid Al Salaam, located on West Main Street, around 2 p.m.  When they arrived, officers were told a man had stabbed someone else inside the mosque, but that he had been shot by the security guard and ran away. The suspect, identified as 27-year-old Travaughn West, was found nearby along Laurel Street. He was taken to a hospital for treatment of minor gunshot wounds.

Officers said their preliminary investigation reveals West approached a man after Friday service and stabbed him before the onsite guard confronted him. The guard shot West after he continued to act violently.

The victim was also hospitalized and is expected to recover.

West will be served warrants for assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature and possession of a knife during a crime of violence once he’s taken to jail from the hospital.

Rock Hill Police note the incident wasn’t based on religious practices and that West and the victim were acquaintances. The investigation remains ongoing.

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