Strong geomagnetic storm to impact Earth Tuesday; here's what North Carolina can expect

RALEIGH, N.C. (WNCN) — The Space Weather Prediction Center has issued a Geomagnetic Storm Watch ahead of strong geomagnetic conditions (or G3) impacting Earth on Tuesday.

A series of CMEs came off the sun Saturday and will impact Earth as early as Monday night as a G1, with G3 conditions Tuesday, and G2 conditions Wednesday. The Geomagnetic Storm scale goes from G1 to G5. G1 is considered minor, G2 is moderate, G3 is strong, G4 is severe and G5 is extreme. The geomagnetic storm that made the aurora visible in North Carolina back in May was a G5.

What is a CME?

A CME, or coronal mass ejection, is a cloud of plasma and the accompanying magnetic particles that explode off the surface of the sun.

The sun is an active star, so explosions or discharges of plasma aren’t uncommon, but depending on their strength and how many occur, as well as how they interact with Earth’s magnetic field, have an impact on what we could experience. The sun is currently in Solar Cycle 25, which means it is in a very active phase, so reports of multiple CMEs, flares and x-rays are to be expected.

What impacts are expected?

A G3 is considered a strong geomagnetic storm, which means more impacts may be felt than a typical geomagnetic storm, but usually north of 45 degrees in latitude.

When a G3 impacts Earth, there can be irregularities in the power system voltage, as well as “false alarms triggered on some protection devices” according to the severity scale from the Space Weather Prediction Center.

There may also be a need for position corrections for spacecraft operations, high-frequency radio can have issues, satellite navigation can be impacted, and low-frequency radio navigation can be disrupted as well. 

Will I see the aurora in N.C.?

It’s unlikely. Even with G3, the most likely locations to see the aurora in the United States will be the northern part of the country, most likely from Oregon to Iowa to Pennsylvania. This is not the May geomagnetic storm that allowed us to see the aurora in Central North Carolina, so don’t get your hopes up.

Strong geomagnetic (G3) conditions are expected on Earth on Tuesday due to multiple coronal mass ejections from the sun over the weekend.

GPS and radio disruptions are possible, but most of us will not notice significant impacts. The aurora will likely be visible as far south as Oregon to Iowa to Pennsylvania, but it is unlikely to be seen in North Carolina.

If you want to keep up with the geomagnetic storm, click here.

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