Perspective | Proactive steps to protect and support students in North Carolina


The Dudley Flood Center for Educational Equity and Opportunity is excited to continue the legacy of Dr. Dudley E. Flood, its namesake, in the creation of a new resource outlining proactive steps we as a state can take to address current challenges to ensuring equity, access, and opportunity for students. This resource also highlights the historical connection to our nation’s current issues to ensure we do not repeat past mistakes. The proposed strategies offer how entities across the state can leverage key documents and recommendations to continue supporting the growth and well-being of students in light of the looming impacts of recent Executive Orders.

As we grapple with why, more than 70 years after Brown v. Board of Education, certain student populations remain systematically marginalized, recent executive orders intend to reverse the significant progress we have made toward educational equity. “In an ever-changing world, we must maintain the will to ensure that EVERY child has access to a quality education,” said Dr. Flood. As we face an uncertain future in education, we must create a path forward that aims to equip and empower every student to succeed.

Dr. Deanna Townsend-Smith states, “In North Carolina, we must continue work collaboratively with newly elected officials to ensure that the arc of the moral universe bends towards equity and justice. The coming months will require continued reflection on the past to create a sustainable path forward. To act in the most impactful ways, we must answer questions about how we continue to best advocate and support the unique needs of every student.”

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