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Join PARI’s Hack-A-Thon Weekend Challenge


DATES and TIMES: Friday, April 11th (7pm) through Sunday April 13th (3pm). 

If you’re a teacher, gather up a team of students. If you’re a high school student, gather up some friends and a teacher. If you’re a college student, gather some friends. Then, register!

Your team will choose from a menu of space science related challenges to take on for the weekend. Most challenges will be related to developing creative ways to explain concepts in space science and human space exploration to others. For instance, you may create an interactive way to show people the composition of regolith from different regions on Mars, or a video game to allow people steer a space probe around an icy moon to catch particles from ice geysers. During the Hack-A-Thon you’ll create the best version you’re able, and the most inspiring teams could see their ideas turned into real exhibits that become part of a travelling model of part of the International Space Station.

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