Gov. Josh Stein recognizes school bus drivers during School Bus Driver Week


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Gov. Josh Stein has proclaimed the week of Feb. 10-Feb. 14 to be School Bus Driver Week.

The press release from his office also recognizes the work bus drivers do to get students to school safely and the need to address driver vacancies across the state. Every day in North Carolina, according to the release, more than 10,000 school buses safely transport more than 620,000 students to and from school. 

“North Carolina’s bus drivers are a vital engine in our students’ success,” Stein said. “I am pleased to dedicate this week to the hardworking bus drivers who, regardless of road or weather conditions, ensure that North Carolina’s students get to school safely. Let us also use this occasion to raise awareness of the need for increased pay and better benefits, so that we can better recruit and retain employees for this critical role.”

State Superintendent Maurice “Mo” Green also expressed his support for school bus drivers.

“Every child in North Carolina deserves the opportunity to succeed academically, and that includes reliable transportation to and from school. Each day, thousands of students across North Carolina rely on bus drivers to make that happen,” Green said. “I join Governor Stein in calling for increased pay and respect for our talented bus drivers.” 

According to the press release, school systems in the state reported in 2013 that about 13% of their bus driver positions were vacant. These bus driver vacancies have led to longer commute times, longer walks to bus stops for students, and less reliable schedules.


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