Bo the bloodhound is credited with several successful tracks, including a 7-mile search for a child taken at knifepoint.
GASTONIA, N.C. — A Gastonia police K9 is getting accolades for the lifesaving work he and his handler are doing, and the public has a chance to help him get recognition as the top “hero dog” in the nation.
Bo the bloodhound has made it to the semi-finals of the American Humane Hero Dog Awards but needs votes to make it further in the competition. The 17-month-old is nominated in the law enforcement/first responder category.
His handler, Sgt. David Rowland, describes Bo as a super-snout, excelling in tasks he was born to tackle.
“Bo’s tracking success rate is 95%,” Rowland said. “That’s insane when it comes to the K9 world.”

Rowland has seen firsthand the many cases Bo has cracked in less than two years with the police agency, with the pup following his nose to armed robbery suspects, a missing man with dementia, and, in a particularly spectacular situation back in May, a 7-year-old taken by an drug-impaired relative at knifepoint.
“We did a 7-mile-long track through urban environments, through wooded environments, heavily contaminated gas station parking lots.” Rowland said. “Bo never gave up. He never gave up.”

“If it wasn’t for Bo that night, I don’t know what would have happened to that child,” Rowland continued.
While the work he does is serious and clearly has life-saving impacts, Bo seemingly sees his tasks as activities to enjoy and show off.
“He’s a big puppy,” Rowland said. “He’s a big goofball. That’s what everybody tells him. He’s just here to have fun.”
Rowland said he is hopeful Bo makes it to the final, top spot in the awards, so the nation can see the amazing work he has done so quickly.

“Bo is a blessing. He’s a godsend, and I’m proud and honored to be his handler,” Rowland said. “It would mean the world to us to represent our community, to let them know that, hey, look what our investment has accomplished. But not only that — I think this award would mean the world for me personally just to show what Bo was done at such a young age.”
Voting for the Hero Dog Awards is open until Oct. 9. The public is welcome to vote for Bo once a day. According to the American Humane Hero Dog Awards website, the top dog will be announced in January.
To vote for Bo, visit his bio page on the American Humane website.