Two women are facing numerous charges after a Union County K-9 found 35 pounds of meth during a traffic stop.
UNION COUNTY, N.C. — A Union County K-9 officer discovered 35 pounds of meth and two California women were arrested during a traffic stop last week, investigators said.
The Union County Sheriff’s Office said K-9 Cody detected the presence of drugs inside the vehicle during the stop. When deputies searched the car, they found 35 pounds of methamphetamine, according to police.
Two women inside the car, 44-year-old Joanne Ortega and 29-year-old Renee Rubio, were arrested at the scene. Both women face numerous charges, including trafficking methamphetamine, conspiracy to commit trafficking of methamphetamine and maintaining a vehicle or place for controlled substances. Both suspects are still in jail under a $5 million bond, according to the sheriff’s office.
“This extremely successful interdiction operation is a testament to the dedication and hard work of our detectives, deputies, and K-9 teams,” Sheriff Eddie Cathey said in a news release. “My office remains committed to combating drug trafficking and keeping our community safe by proactively seeking out and apprehending traffickers who prey upon those suffering from substance abuse addiction.”
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